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Bombastic Sex
  woodbrave1, Mar 16 2010

Dominican republic 25 yr old after having sex with me asks if I want her to be my girlfriend. And she is fucking fine. Shes like I like to cook, go to gym. No girl ever asks to be my girlfriend. She say she has a baby though a 2.5 yr old girl. in 5-20 years she'll lose her looks. I think it smarter to go after 18 yr olds than 25 yr olds especially when they are both careerless.

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Ron Paul prop bet
  woodbrave1, Mar 12 2010

Last night admist drunken 500bb 1/2 fr at the local casino my younger brother offered me 15-1 odds 15k-1k, that Ron Paul or Peter schiff won't get elected president or that Ron Paul gets asassinated I win bet.
I believe the worse things get the more ppl will search for answers the more they will start voting Ron Paul. Especially when 2011 will be huge economic fail of a year. So I took the bet . 1000$ Ron Paul is president 2012.

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Sex with midget
  woodbrave1, Mar 07 2010

I just had sex with a midget and I paid for it
and I couldn't cum, and she didn't like ne and I didn't like her.
And she's a liar and a thief and I was drunk but it was like having sex with a 14 year old with tit implants who's 4'10. Bah
No mercy for the weak, why must I perservere?
Sry no pictures this time.

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